
Monday, August 4, 2008

Pop-Corn Book Pick of the Week (So Far)

The Accidental Demon Slayer - By Angie Fox (Paranormal Romance)

On the day that Lizzie Brown turns thirty, a monumental day for any woman - some very, very odd things happen. Her Harley riding Grandmother (whom Lizzie has never met) shows up, Lizzie slays a Demon who appears on her toilet, her Grandmother who is also a witch, starts throwing spells around, her dog starts talking, and that's just for starters.

Naturally no paranormal romance is with out it's sexy, broody, male...enter Dimitri Kallinikos, a shape-shifting Griffin. Of course he needs something from the worlds newest Demon slayer, Lizzie. How does he go about getting what he wants? Well; lie for starters and if that's not working - seduce her!

The above was paraphrased from the back cover of the book, because I couldn't have said it better myself *grin*!

Now this book is filled with comedy, red-herrings, misunderstandings, violence in the shape of a group of Harley driving, AARP card carrying witches and lust.
Humerous, action driven plot with a thouroughly satisfying ending that will be a great addition to your beach or pool side reading for the end of the summer.

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