
Wednesday, January 22, 2014

What Nora Knew

What Nora Knew

What Nora Knew
Offered by Simon and Schuster Digital Sales Inc
Price: $10.38

4.0 out of 5 stars 3.5 Stars - A Great Book that Tries Just a Little Too Hard, January 22, 2014

Book Description
Publication Date: January 21, 2014
Molly Hallberg is a thirty-nine-year-old divorced writer living in New York City who wants her own column, a Wikipedia entry, and to never end up in her family’s Long Island upholstery business. For the past four years Molly’s been on staff for an online magazine, covering all the wacky assignments. She’s snuck vibrators through security scanners, speed-dated undercover, danced with Rockettes, and posed nude for a Soho art studio.

Fearless in everything except love, Molly is now dating a forty-four-year-old chiropractor. He’s comfortable, but safe. When Molly is assigned to write a piece about New York City romance "in the style of Nora Ephron," she flunks out big-time. She can’t recognize romance. And she can’t recognize the one man who can go one-on-one with her, the one man who gets her. But with wit, charm, whip-smart humor, and Nora Ephron’s romantic comedies, Molly learns to open her heart and suppress her cynicism in this bright, achingly funny novel.
This review is from: What Nora Knew (Kindle Edition)
It took me quite a while to warm up to the characters and even to the plot line of this novel. The humor is sometimes abrasive and acerbic, but it grew on me after a while. It also took me a while to get used to such mature characters sometimes acting like junior high school kids. Nevertheless, warm up I did at least enough to want to know how Molly's career and love life would turn out.

Molly is a skeptic when it comes to love and with good reason. As for her career, it is dismal. Her relationship with her steady beau Russell is stagnant. One might even say that it is boring. However, Molly would rather have a boring (or steady and solid as she likes to think of it) relationship, than an exciting and unpredictable one. At least that is what she used to think!

Would settling for a steady and boring relationship really be all that bad? On the other hand, should we put our hearts and ourselves on the line and strive for that nearly elusive `love of our lives' that so many romance writers speak of? This is the question that "What Nora Knew" tries to answer for us.

This is a great book for us less young cynics out in the reading audience. You just need to get past the too hip "Sex and the City" feel to this novel and if you can, you will be in for a treat

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