
Saturday, May 16, 2020

Always the Last to Know by Kristan Higgins

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Kristan Higgins has grown so much as a writer since her very first book - published in 1988, "The Best Man," which had me hooked on this author. Unfortunately, some of her later books lost me since they didn't have that extra something I was looking for in a romance.

These newer books of Ms. Higgans are precisely what I am looking for at this time in my life. I'm older now and do not require the descriptive sex scenes that some writers produce.

In this book, Ms. Higgins takes three women, a mother, and two sisters and delves into their seemingly, perfect lives. We learn that all is not what it seems like on the surface. We do get the expected 'happily ever after' but we get them in some astonishing ways. As with other books of this genre dealing with different medical issues -this book deals with stroke and does it quite well, in my opinion.

I loved this novel and would recommend it to anyone who likes less descriptive sex scenes, and women who are in the three separate age brackets (30's, 40's, 70's), and, especially women dealing with the younger generation in the workplace. This book is also an excellent read for anyone who likes a little comedy with their angst.

This book also raises the interesting question of how much does a person have to change for their partner. Sadie and Noah (the youngest of the couples) raise that question, and I found myself taking sides...I shouldn't have.

*ARC supplied by the publisher.

View all my reviews

SYNOPSIS: "Sometimes you have to break a family to fix it.
From New York Times bestselling author Kristan Higgins, a new novel examining a family at the breaking point in all its messy, difficult, wonderful complexity.
The Frosts are a typical American family. Barb and John, married almost fifty years, are testy and bored with each other...who could blame them after all this time? At least they have their daughters-- Barb's favorite, the perfect, brilliant Juliet; and John's darling, the free-spirited Sadie. The girls themselves couldn't be more different, but at least they got along, more or less. It was fine. It was enough.
Until the day John had a stroke, and their house of cards came tumbling down.
Now Sadie has to put her career as a teacher and struggling artist in New York on hold to come back and care for her beloved dad--and face the love of her life, whose heart she broke, and who broke hers. Now Juliet has to wonder if people will notice that despite her perfect career as a successful architect, her perfect marriage to a charming Brit, and her two perfect daughters, she's spending an increasing amount of time in the closet having panic attacks.
And now Barb and John will finally have to face what's been going on in their marriage all along.
From the author of Good Luck with That and Life and Other Inconveniences comes a new novel of heartbreaking truths and hilarious honesty about what family really means. "

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