
Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Review: Pink Glass Houses

Pink Glass Houses Pink Glass Houses by Asha Elias
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I loved this book, I really did but for the life of me, I don't think I can explain why! I love books about entitled rich people getting their comeuppances, and when we deal with bitchy women stabbing each other in the back, well, that makes it even better for me.

None of the women in this book were likable, even our protagonist, Melody. You see, Melody was our naive girl from a small Kansa city who moved to Miami Beach, which is a whole different place to be—and I do mean different!

It was hilarious (and not in the laughing kind of way) to see what the mothers do to get their kids through elementary school and what elementary school is like. And this wasn't even a private school, where you may expect things like this to happen. This was a public school!

Melody is desperate to make new friends, but she doesn't always make the best choices, and her actions don't always help. Things soon start to unravel when she realizes that even those she thinks of as friends may not really be her friends.

The ending of this novel - well, I sure didn't see that coming.

This was a quick and highly enjoyable read, perfect for your summer reading pleasure.

I highly recommend this book to those who want something that will take them out of their own lives and put themselves into the lives of someone who is way different.

*ARC was supplied by the publisher William Morrow, the author, and NetGalley . I thank you all.

View all my reviews

SYNOPSIS: "A seductive social satire about the wealthy PTA moms of an elite elementary school in Miami Beach, Pink Glass Houses is very Big Little Lies and Pineapple Street, but with diamonds, a tan, and a glass of rosé.

There’s a reason people call Miami Beach “a sunny place for shady people.”

Welcome to Sunset Academy, the most coveted elementary school in Miami Beach, where there are three categories of families: rich, wealthy, and ultra-wealthy.

Perfectly tanned and smiling Charlotte Giordani is Sunset Academy’s alpha mom. With a sleek blowout and relentless charm, Charlotte’s brashness serves her well. She’s up for election as the PTA president and is riding high, having just secured a massive donation from billionaire Don Walker and his socialite wife Patricia. Don and Patricia are philanthropists, media darlings, and the owners of Villa Rosé, a newly built modern glass house that everyone is talking about. (It’s either spectacular or a tacky eyesore, depending on how you feel about billionaires.)

Enter Melody Howard, a wide-eyed transplant from Wichita, Kansas. At first a skeptic about Miami Beach and its endlessly hashtaggable social scene, Melody finds herself sucked into the glossy, frenetic world of Sunset Academy moms. Melody’s easygoing manner and background in nonprofit management make her an asset to the PTA. But when she emerges as a rival for the PTA presidency, Charlotte begins to unravel. Even the most powerful players on the social scene prove to be vulnerable when an investigation into white-collar crime—triggered by another school mom, the formidable Jamaican-American Judge Carol Lawson—threatens to take down the whole institution. No amount of rosé can soothe tensions as the drama builds to a shocking crisis point.

Told in rotating first person voices, Pink Glass Houses is an irresistibly voyeuristic peek into the lives of the rich and infamous, where cocaine playdates, $100,000 kiddie birthday parties, and relentless social climbing are a way of life."

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