My rating: 2 of 5 stars
Yes, I did receive this book as an ARC and with that said I am going to be brutally honest about what I thought of this book. I also find (looking over the other reviews) that I may be alone in my opinions. The low rating may be because of my age or maybe my taste in books. But this is how I genuinely feel about this book.
I must say that I was very disappointed. I expected an adult novel and what I got was a young adult (at best) novel. I might even go as far as saying that this was a novel for teenagers.
This was a novel that deals with jealousy, envy, crushes that lasted forever, among other trivial things. They were just the most childish people I have ever met. The most honestly written parts dealt with death and illness. I could not connect (as an adult) with any of the characters. Some were annoying others pretentious and, others unrealistically portrayed. The author took more time describing the surroundings and everyone's love for the island than she did in having the characters grow. I also saw a lot of problems with the storyline/timeline, and that kept taking me out of the zone.
Had the characters grew in any manner, I would have been thrilled, but they did not. I would have loved this book as a teenager, but as a mature adult, I did not.
*ARC supplied by the publisher.
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