
Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Wife After Wife by Olivia Hayfield

Wife After WifeWife After Wife by Olivia Hayfield
My rating: 2 of 5 stars

"If Philippa Gregory and Jackie Collins went out for cocktails and wrote a book, they'd come back with Wife After Wife.

A wickedly entertaining and utterly absorbing modern take on the life and marriages of Henry VIII...if he were a twenty-first-century womanizing media mogul rather than the king of England.

Master of the universe Harry Rose is head of the Rose Corporation, number eighteen on the Forbes rich list, and recently married to wife number six. But in 2018, his perfect world is about to come crashing to the ground. His business is in the spotlight--and not in a good way--and his love life is under scrutiny. Because behind a glittering curtain of lavish parties, gorgeous homes, and a media empire is a tale worthy of any tabloid.

And Harry has a lot to account for."


Updated review after finishing the book:
I see that I am in a very tiny minority about how I feel about this book, but I just have to tell the truth as I see it. I am having such difficulty getting through this book, maybe because I don't know anything about King Henry the VIII (except for Anne of a Thousand Days -the movie!). You don't need to know your British History to read this. However, this book is a frustrating and disgusting look at a man who can't keep it in his pants, ruined so many lives and the spineless, heartless women who couldn't "resist" him *ugh*. I can see the parallels between Harry's life and Henry's life and I do understand British history enough to know that Henry did what he did for an heir. It is just difficult for me to have compassion or even care about a man in recent past history to behave the same way. Unfortunately, the way this book reads, Harry didn't do it for such a reason he did it because he was a horny, uncaring bastard.
I haven't quite finished this book (I did finish it) ...and I'm not so sure that I care to know what will happen to Harry in the last quarter of the book, but I'm close and I will update this review and the rating as needed if curiosity gets the best of me and I do finish. ( I finished the book and it does get a bit compelling towards the end...a bit of a page-turner to see if Harry will get his comeuppance -well he does and he doesn't if you can understand what I mean. I do need to say that the author did pick a perfect time in history to make this parallel- the" Greed is Good" era.
ARC Supplied by Publisher

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