
Friday, June 11, 2021

Review: For the Love of Friends

For the Love of Friends

For the Love of Friends by Sara Goodman Confino

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I will tell you right now that this book is going on my 'comfort read' shelf -this is the shelf of books that I constantly re-read because they just have something wonderful in them.

I loved this book! Every bitchy moment of it!

Yes, there is a lot of body shaming in it, and Lily doesn't make the best choice of how she voices her opinion, but in the end, she learns some very valuable lessons, and that counts for a lot with this novel.

This book is perfect for anyone who has ever questioned if they are 'good enough,' has been in a wedding where the bride turned into someone unrecognizable or spoke before thinking especially when they've had a couple too many!

The perfect beach read.

*ARC supplied by the publisher, author, and NetGalley.

View all my reviews

SYNOPSIS: "A sharp and hilariously relatable novel about the business of weddings, the toll they can take, and the lengths one exasperated bridesmaid will go to for the love of friends.

Lily Weiss is her mother’s worst nightmare: thirty-two and single—the horror! She’s also a talented writer but hides behind a boring job at a science foundation. To her friends, she’s reliable and selfless, which is how she winds up a bridesmaid in five weddings in six weeks. Anything for her three best friends and two (younger) siblings, right? Even if her own love life is…well, she’d rather not talk about it. To keep her sanity, Lily needs a safe place to vent.

And so her anonymous blog, Bridesmania, is born. The posts start pouring out of her: all the feels about mom-zillas, her vanishing bank balance, the wicked bridesmaids of the west, high-strung brides-to-be, body-shaming dress clerks, bachelorette parties, and Spanx for days, not to mention being deemed guardian of eighty-eight-year-old Granny (who enjoys morning mimosas in the nude) for her brother’s destination wedding.

So far the blog has stayed anonymous. But as everyone knows, few things online remain secret forever…

When all is said and done, can Lily help all five couples make it to happily ever after? And will her own happy ending be close behind?"

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