
Sunday, March 24, 2019

Saving Meghan by D.J. Palmer

Saving MeghanSaving Meghan by D.J. Palmer
My rating: 2 of 5 stars

I was not a happy camper with this book. I had been so excited to read a book with such a unique premise, and then when I really got into the book I found myself skimming. It was slow to start and had a major problem with repetitiveness.

ALL of the characters were extremely dislikable and the ending was seemingly pulled out of thin air.

Had I heard one more time how Becky was so beautiful and could manipulate men -I would have gouged out my eyes. Yes, I can see by Becky's back-story that she had 'issues'...but enough is enough.

Yes, I can see that the author carefully planned the ending, but it (the denouement) should have been longer and told in the culprits' voice.

I didn't like that the story was told in so many voices, yet not from one of the most important people which was, I suppose, to push us into thinking that this unheard character 'did it'.

I didn't like being pushed so hard into coming to an incorrect conclusion. We as readers are not stupid people. We could plainly see what was going on, Mr. Palmer didn't need to hit us over the head with it.

Many people really loved this book; I did not. Yes, I was captivated enough to finish it (skimming a lot of the way through) but I will not be putting this on my 'to be re-read' pile.

*ARC Supplied by the Publisher

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